
What is yeast?

Yeast is a single-celled organism with over 1,500 species known. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the species most widely used in food production. It is used in food production prefer warm, moist growing environments with a slightly acidic pH. Food manufacturers use yeast as an active ingredient in many products including some that you may not suspect. It is best to remove foods that support the growth of candida in the body and provide an environment for disease if you have a yeast intolerance.

Symptoms of yeast intolerances

Yeast intolerances are known for carrying the most extensive range of symptoms in the body including:

  • Skin problems

  • Fungal infections such as thrush

  • Flatulence, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea

  • Lack of energy and tiredness

  • Bad breath and a bad taste in the mouth

  • Headaches

  • Mood swings

  • Breathing difficulties

If you think that you may have a yeast intolerance but have not had this verified, please contact us for information on how we can do this for you. Our straightforward, quick and easy blood tests identify food intolerances and allow us to help you build a problem for overcoming them.

Popular foods containing yeast

Yeast intolerances can be very hard to eradicate. For an intolerance to ‘go away’, you should be avoiding the problem food for 90 days. After this 90-day period, you can try to re-introduce the problem food and assess your body’s response to it. By doing this, you will know whether you have overcome the intolerance. However, the reason yeast intolerances are so challenging to expel is that of the high number of food it is hidden in, and the alternative names companies and food brands use to describe it on their list of ingredients.

Foods to avoid:

  • Most loaves of bread and baked goods

  • Cereals

  • Alcohol

  • Gravy and stock cubes

  • Vinegar

  • Aged meats and olives

  • Mushrooms

  • Fermented foods such as ripe cheeses

  • Dried fruits

  • Blackberries, grapes, strawberries and blueberries

  • Synthetic cream and yoghurt

  • Soy sauce, miso and tamarind

  • Tofu

  • Citric acid

What to look for on a food label

Unfortunately, it is not always immediately apparent if a portion of food contains yeast. There are many other names that yeast may go by that leaves unsuspecting customers at risk of inadvertently consuming it. As a guide, when looking at the back of labels check for the following:

  1. Barley malt

  2. Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (used as an ingredient in processed meats, soups, sauces, seasonings and snacks)

  3. Monosodium glutamate or MSG

  4. Leavening

Each of the above is an alternative name for ‘yeast’, and you should avoid eating these foods.

Foods you can eat and enjoy

  • Soda breads

  • Fruit smoothies

  • Protein (unprocessed meat and fish)

  • Seafood

  • Eggs

  • Unprocessed nuts and seeds

  • Green vegetables

  • Beans and legumes

  • Potatoes

  • Squash

  • Grains such as brown rice, rye, millet and quinoa

  • Oats

  • Speciality pasta and cereals

Great food brands with suitable alternatives

  • Mr Organic (good for beans, sauces and pasta)

  • Great Food (good for snacks and meal add-ons such as falafel, vegetable cakes, vegetable bites and vegetable burgers)

  • Orgran (useful for a wide range of different kinds of pasta, flour, gravy and cereals)

  • Ombar (good for sweet treats and chocolate – everything in moderation!)

  • Biona (good for bread)

It is vital that you always read the label. Even if you trust a brand that is predominantly free-from, there may be occurrences where the food does contain yeast. If you are intolerant then having a small amount of on the rare occasion should not cause you very much physical discomfort. However, if you have a yeast allergy, it is essential that you exercise more vigilance when checking labels.

Rejuva Nutrition

Our website is packed full of ways you can enjoy a yeast-free diet too. Our smoothie powders and energy bars are all 100% yeast-free and make powerful alternatives to snacks and meals. Shop our products here.